International RAVE Workshop 2022

The International RAVE Workshop 2022 took place February 03, 2022 as a virtual event. Participation was for free and no registration was required.

Presentations were given on the most recent and up to date research at alpha ventus. 

Please refer and download the program to see the workshop's main topics in 2022. The presentations are offered as downloads on this website.

If you are interested to find updates on the Workshop and other RAVE related information please send us an e-mail to the following address:


The International RAVE Workshop 2022 was divided in 3 blocks.

Bernhard Lange as project leader for the RAVE coordination and Timo Haase/ Fed.Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate action started the all-day event. It was co-moderated by Kai Herklotz (BSH) and Thomas Neumann (UL) and structured with breaks in three blocks:

  • 10:00 CET: opening & introduction, presentations on machine learning
  • 11:40 CET: environmental conditions, wakes and forecast
  • 14:00 CET: decommissioning, CMS, environmental topics, discussion

International Workshop 2022

Program International RAVE Workshop 2022, (version 20220121)
Program International RAVE Workshop 2022, (version 20220121)

International RAVE Workshop 2022 - Presentations

10:00 CET

Opening remarks

Bernhard Lange
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
10:10 CET

Opening speech

Timo Haase
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Presentation live and in oral form, therefore no slides.
10:30 CET

Presentation: ""Application of machine learning techniques to predict structural sensor data of wind turbines to identify errors in the measured data"

Muhammad Omer Khan et al.
UL International (with DNV and BSH)
11:00 CET

Presentation: "Transferability of Machine-Learning-Models to neighbouring windturbines”

Anish Venu
11:40 CET

Presentation: "X-Wakes: Recent Results from modelling and measurements of large scale wakes in interaction with the marine atmospheric boundary layer"

Martin Dörenkämper
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
12:00 CET

Presentation: "Project ParkCast: AI methods for short term wind power forecast"

Linda Menger/ Daniel Leukauf
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
12:20 CET

Presentation: "Observer-based minute-scale power forecasts at the offshore wind farm Nordergründe - Measurement campaign and forecasting methodology"

Frauke Theuer/ Jörge Schneemann/ Marcos Ortensi/ Martin Kühn
ForWind - University of Oldenburg
12:40 CET

Presentation: "LiDAR based retrieval algorithm and its verification using SCADA wind and power data"

Maria Krutova
University of Bergen
14:00 CET

Presentation: "Methodological approach for sustainable offshore wind farm decommissioning"

Vanessa Spielmann
University of Bremen
14:20 CET

Presentation: "Improved Domain Adaptation for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines using Representation Learning"

Karl-Philipp Kortmann
Leibniz University Hannover
14:40 CET

Presentation: "Development of seastate maps for the German Bight based on real-time data from multiple measuring sites"

Lukas Fröhling
ForWind - Leibniz University Hannover
15:00 CET

Presentation: "Digital assessment of coating damages to offshore wind power structures“

Andreas Momber
Muehlhan AG
15:20 CET

Discussion with Workshop participants

and Workshop moderators:

Kai Herklotz - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) ; Thomas Neumann - UL; Bernhard Lange - Fraunhofer Institute for Windenergy Systems IWES