OWP Control

Adaptive Operation Management and Control of Offshore Wind Farms based on specific Operation Strategies for yield, load and grid Optimization (RAVE-OWP Control)

Project coordination:
ForWind – Center for Wind Energy Research, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Duration of the project:
03/2017 – 10/2020

Contract number of the project:

Project goals

  • Joint processing by science and industry
  • Numerical test of the modular wind farm controller for a large wind farm, validation of procedures for the prequalification for the provision of minute reserve power in Global Tech I
  • Testing of newly developed dynamic calculation methods for fatigue loads for future wind turbines


The project pursues two overarching goals in order to operate offshore wind farms more economically. Thus, the work packages aim at the methodical development of different operating strategies for yield, load and grid optimization in offshore wind farms by adaptive operation management and control of both individual WTs and the entire farm. In addition to novel control concepts, this is to be achieved by more accurately determining the fatigue loads of the individual WTs in the wind farm and their load reserve compared to the design loads. Concepts are being developed that are intended to be applicable in a modular fashion at existing wind farms, as well as more far-reaching approaches for the next generation of turbines and wind farms. The second overarching goal is the close cooperation of academic research on new control and operation strategies as well as load models with current industrial developments for the design and more economical operation of future large offshore wind farms.

Contacts and partners

Center for Wind Energy Research (www.forwind.de)
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Institute of Physics (www.uni-oldenburg.de/physik)

University of Stuttgart
SWE - Stuttgart Chair for Wind Energy at the Institute of Aircraft Design (www.uni-stuttgart.de/windenergie)

Global Tech I Offshore Wind GmbH (https://globaltechone.de/)

Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH (https://www.dnv.de/)

Final report

You can find the final report (only available in German) here.


Here you can find an interesting presentation to this project in our RAVE Workshops.

RAVE Workshop 2020 / presentation 7

(only available in German) "Ergebnisse des RAVE Projekts OWP Control" / Matthias Wächter