5th International RAVE Workshop 2024 in Berlin
We are delighted to have held the 5th International RAVE Workshop 2024 in hybrid form as a successful event.
This year's workshop took place on March 13, 2024 at a central location in Germany.
The RAVE coordination at IWES as host enjoyed the professional team and support of Fraunhofer ENIQ in their hospitable premises in the EUREF Center in Berlin.
The technology during the event allowed virtual participants to dial in at any time according their own interest. Active participation in the discussion was also possible via the chat function with the published link.
The workshop was free of charge and offered again a space for knowledge transfer and lively exchange on offshore wind-related topics. Current research findings using the generated data from alpha ventus were presented and questions from participants were discussed.
This year's focus were discussions about the research contribution to the end-of-life strategy and industrial implementation such as lifetime extension, repowering and dismantling. Alpha ventus will be the first German wind farm to reach its design life. It will be followed by many large wind farms.
The breaks were also filled with lively discussions on specialist topics. New contacts were established between science, authorities and industry and existing networks were revived.
You can find the program and the presentations here on our website. The presentations listed below can be downloaded thanks to the kind permission of the authors. They are only available in English.
Almost 100 international participants and an interesting program with a lively exchange encourage us to continue this format in the following year with the 6th International RAVE Workshop. After receiving a lot of positive feedback, we are already looking forward to it.
If you would like to present your research results, we look forward to hearing from you. raveworkshop@iwes.fraunhofer.de
5th International RAVE Workshop
The 5th International RAVE Workshop took place as a one-day event on 13 March 2024 from 10:00 to 17:00 in Berlin.
Andreas Reuter, Institute Director Fraunhofer IWES and Kai Herklotz from BSH kicked off the event. The workshop was moderated by Tanja Griessmann (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Po Wen Cheng (University of Stuttgart) and Bernhard Lange (IWES) and was divided into four blocks with breaks for discussion and networking:
10:00: Welcome and introduction
11:30: Block I
13:40: Block II
15:30: Block III
16:30: Discussion
International RAVE Workshop 2024 - Presentations
Presentation: "Status and Prospects for Germany's Offshore Testfield "alpha ventus""
Presentation: "End of Life Strategies - a New Phase of RAVE?”
Presentation: "Development of a Machine Learning Model for Quality Control of Wind Turbine Load Measurements"
Presentation: "A Complete Overview of the RAVE - ML Model (Prepare-Build-Deploy)"
Presentation: "Load Estimation for Offshore Wind Turbine Rotor Blades"
Presentation: "Towards an analytical Tool assessing the Operability of Offshore Personnel Transfer limited by Motion Sickness"
Presentation: "New Wind Farm operating Strategies taking into Account variable Electricity Production Costs and Electricity Prices for higher Returns"
Presentation: "Wind Vane Correction during yaw Misalignment"
Presentation: "Long Range Wake Calculations sensitive to Surface Layer Stability"
Presentation: "U.S. Advances in Digital Twinning for Offshore Wind Assets“
Presentation: "Decommissioning Offshore Pile Foundations: Current Practices and Future Research“
Presentation: "Innovative Foundation System for Repowering of Offshore Wind Turbines - InGROW project"
Tulio Quiroz
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
International RAVE Workshop 2024: Presentation Block III/ 15:50
Presentation: "Repowering Concept for alpha ventus"
Eric Alexander Richter
DOTI Management GmbH
International RAVE Workshop 2024: Presentation Block III/ 16:10