Further development of LIDAR wind measuring techniques for offshore application
Project leaders:
SWE - Stuttgart Wind Energy at University of Stuttgart
Duration of project:
08/2007– 10/2010
Contract number of project:
Main research questions
- What are the capabilities of a standard LIDAR system for application in the offshore wind energy industry?
- How does power curve assessment with LIDAR systems compare to standard procedures with cup anemometers?
- What is the dynamic loading of affected wind turbines operating in offshore wind farms and how can it be simulated?
- Which improvements in wind turbine operation can be achieved by sensing the short term inflow wind field?
The scope of this joint project is the development of LIDAR technologies to support other research at the offshore test site “alpha ventus”. This remote sensing technique with high spatial and temporal resolution presents a great advantage for offshore development. The measurement techniques to be developed will have direct applications to the measurement of power curve and nacelle-based inflow/wake wind fields. Moreover, research-oriented work is done in regards to wake loading simulation and loading control strategies based on inflow measurements. The mentioned nacelle-based wind field measurements are used to verify the findings in these two applications.
Experience with standardized measurements is brought by the project partner DEWI while the partner DLR brings its experience with LIDAR systems. Measurement campaigns onshore will be performed on a 5MW wind turbine owned by Adwen GmbH, while offshore met mast and LIDAR comparisons are performed at the FINO 1 offshore platform. Dissemination to the German industry and support in the definition of guidelines for power curve measurements with LIDAR are performed by an expert committee of the Federation of German Windpower (FGW).
The work is organized in four work packages. The work package LIDAR technology deals with the specification, acquisition and calibration of a commercial LIDAR system for the measurement campaigns. Power curve measurement is dedicated to power curve assessment with ground-based LIDAR using standard statistical methods. Additionally, it deals with the development of new methods for the measurement of non-steady short-term power curves. Wind field research aims at the development of wake loading simulation methods of wind turbines and the exploration of loading control strategies and nacelle-based wind field measurement techniques. Finally, dissemination of results to the industry takes place in work package Technology transfer.
Partners and Contact
- Andreas Rettenmeier (
- SWE - Stuttgart Wind Energy (
- ForWind - Centre for Wind Energy Research (
- UL International GmbH (
- DLR Oberpfaffenhofen (
- FGW - Federation of German Windpower (
- Adwen GmbH (
Final report
You can find the final report (only available in German) here.
Here you can find the list of publications of the different project partners.
Publikationsliste LIDAR I DEWI
Picture 1: Measurement of influx and wakes via LIDAR system from the nacelle ©University of Oldenburg/ Juan José Trujillo -
Picture 2: Onshore testsite with AD 5-116 and SWE measuring mast (height 102m) ©University of Stuttgart/ Andreas Rettenmeier -
Picture 3: Measurement principal of the Leosphere wind cube ©Leospere