Offshore Wind R&D Conferences and RAVE Workshops
The Offshore Wind R&D Conference and the RAVE Workshops are the framework for the regular exchange of experience on the development of offshore wind energy. Participants come from many different countries and specialisms. Past conferences were held in 2012, 2015 and 2018.
The transfer of knowledge has been continued in annual RAVE workshops since 2020.
Since 2023, the international RAVE workshops have been successfully organised as a hybrid event at centrally accessible locations.
With guests and speakers in attendance as well as live speakers from Europe and the USA, there is a lot of interesting information and news with professional exchange on offshore topics every year. Virtual participants also have the opportunity to actively participate in these discussions via the chat function.
The RAVE Coordination would like to thank the hosts BSH in Hamburg and Fraunhofer ENIQ in Berlin as well as all participants for their support of these successful events.
The presentations of the 4th International Workshop 2023 at the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) are published here, its presentations are only available in English.
The presentations of this year's 5th international workshop on 13 March 2024 at the Fraunhofer Eventlocation in Berlin are published here for download .These presentations are also available in English only.
The numerous international participants and an interesting programme with lively discussions on the presentations encourage us to continue this format of the International RAVE Workshops. The opportunity to network with like-minded professionals was also rated positively in many of the responses.
We are therefore already looking forward to the 6th International RAVE Workshop as a follow-up event.
The RAVE newsletter and this website will keep you informed at all times.
If you are interested in presenting at a future workshop or receiving our RAVE newsletter, please send an e-mail to
Save the date for the next upcoming hybrid event on October 10th, 2024 in Bremen.
Please have a look for updated information on this website
RAVE thematic workshop on Machine Learning applications for offshore wind data analysis
Former RAVE Workshops and Conferences
Comprehensive information and downloads of Workshop presentations since 2020 and those held in conferences of the years 2012, 2015 and 2018