Measurements in RAVE
Since 2009, an extensive measurement program has been part of RAVE. Four of the twelve turbines of the alpha ventus wind farm have been equipped with extensive measurement technology. In addition, SCADA data, measurements at both substations (onshore and offshore) and the 100 m high measuring mast FINO 1 located in the immediate vicinity. At times, more than 1200 measuring channels were in operation, generating more than 50 TB of data. In addition, special measurements were performed over a limited period of time in some research projects (underwater sound, nacelle lidar, ...).
The alpha ventus wind farm is the first German offshore wind farm and thus has the longest operational experience of all German offshore wind farms. The data set collected in RAVE is unique worldwide and includes long-term measurements of
- two different turbine types (Adwen 5000M and Senvion 5M)
- two different support structures (jacket and tripod)
- electrical measurements at substations offshore and onshore
- special measurements in research projects (underwater sound, nacelle lidar, ...)
- meteorological and oceanographic measurements at the FINO 1 measuring mast and at the wind farm.
Measurements in RAVE are continuing so that the data base continues to grow. Not all measurement sensors are still in operation. Some sensors could not be repaired after a failure (e.g. in the underwater area). The resulting different availabilities of the different sensors are listed in tables or demonstrated in graphical visualization. Registered data users can retrieve monthly availabilities in different file formats.
Regarding research on automatic data quality control we would like to recommend the presentation from Anish Venu (DNV)
"How much Data is good Data?" from our previous International RAVE Workshop 2023.
Data access
The goal of RAVE is to promote research for offshore wind energy and to make this worldwide unique data available for research purposes. All measurement data are stored in the RAVE data archive, which is operated by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). From this data archive, users can download the data for research purposes. Special regulations apply to the use of this confidential data, which the user agrees to comply with by entering into the RAVE Data Usage Agreement. Terms of this agreement may not be altered. Special rules apply to a few very confidential data, these data are marked with category "B" in the list of sensors.
To get access to the data, the contract has to be signed by hand in paper form and the original document has to be sent by mail to BSH (BSH / Sachgebiet M23, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78, 20359 Hamburg, Germany). Further information on how to register as a user can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact

©DOTI / Matthias Ibeler, 2009
The sensors on the Senvion 5Ms are primarily installed on the AV04 and to a lesser extent on the AV05. The measurements are collected and supervised by GL Garrad Hassan Deutschland GmbH.
The turbine can be divided into four segments on which the sensors are installed: nacelle; rotor; tower; and support structure.
The sensors in the nacelle and the rotor blades comprise 3 acceleration sensors, 16 strain gauges, 12 temperature humidity pressure sensors, 12 fiberoptic sensors, and 6 SCADA signals.
The sensors on the tower comprise 10 acceleration sensors, 8 strain gauges, 9 temperature humidity pressure sensors, 4 tilt sensors, and 24 fiberoptic sensors.
The sensors on the jacket construction comprise 13 acceleration sensors, 131 strain gauges, and 3 temperature sensors.
Similarly to the WEA AV04, the WEA AV05 was also equipped with sensors. However, in this case, the sensors are only installed in the tower, nacelle, and rotor blades. Furthermore, considerably fewer sensors are installed than on the AV04 turbine. 2 acceleration sensors, 12 strain gauges, and 12 fiberoptic sensors were installed in the turbine. In addition, 6 SCADA signals are available.
Extensive turbine design and load calculation information and data is available for Senvion 5M turbines. This includes the MetOcean design basis, the model parameters of the turbine, information on the load calculation, the control method and files for the load simulation (in Flex 5 and in OpenFAST).
Sensor documentation Download
AV04 |
AV05 |
Description of measurements | Download (PDF) | Download (PDF) |
Sensor list of measurements |
Tower | Download (PDF) | Download (PDF) |
Hub blade connection | Download (PDF) | Download (PDF) |
Nacelle | Download (PDF) | Download (PDF) |
Main shaft | Download (PDF) | Download (PDF) |
Jacket Fundament | Download (PDF) | |
Details of measurements |
A detailed documentation on sensors and measurements is available in the RAVE research archive at the BSH. |

The structural dynamic measurements on the AV07 and AV08 turbines are performed by UL International GmbH.
The sensor sites can be grouped into four categories: nacelle; rotor; tower; and support structure.
The measurements on the AV07 turbine are performed with acceleration sensors, strain gauges, fiberoptic strain sensors, tilt sensors, pressure sensors, and temperature humidity pressure sensors.
In the nacelle, there is an acceleration sensor installed on the front of the rotor and the rear of the nacelle respectively. The rotor blades are each equipped with four strain gauges on the foot at a height of 3 m. Blade 1 also features four strain gauges at 19 m and two strain gauges at 37 m as well as a 2-axis acceleration sensor in the blade tip at 55 m.
The tower segment is divided into five levels of different heights. Here there are 14 strain gauges, 10 acceleration sensors, and 2 humidity, temperature, and tilt sensors each.
There are 30 sensors for determining the relative pressure and 69 strain sensors installed in the transition piece.
32 strain gauges, 8 fiberoptic strain sensors, and 8 measurement points for the relative displacement between pile and sleeve are installed on the driven pile. The tripod construction contains 56 strain gauges and 10 acceleration sensors.
In addition, 32 signals are recorded from the SCADA system.
Sensordocumentation Download
Here is a download offer with a documentary information on sensors and measurements of alpha ventus turbines AV07 and AV08.
This information was edited by UL International GmbH and is only available in English version.
A wide variety of measurements were carried out over the course of the project. Partially, this resulted in measurement data, which you can also find in the database. This includes, for example, measurements of salinity, oxygen concentration and sea state.
In addition to the long-term measurement program, special measurement campaigns (e.g. underwater sound, nacelle lidar, …) were also carried out over a limited period of time by industry and academic partners. As part of several research projects within the RAVE initiative these campaign data are all gathered in the archive operated by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). For research purposes users can download this data free of charge subject to signature of the RAVE data usage agreement.
These were the special measurement campaigns in alpha ventus (and contacts):
- Long-range nacelle lidar measurements were performed as part of the "ParkCast" project (Optimization of short-range prediction of offshore wind farm performance using long-range nacelle lidar measurements and data assimilation) at the University of Stuttgart.
Po Wen Cheng ( - The University of Stuttgart also performed nacelle lidar measurements within the project "OWP Control" (adaptive operation and control of offshore wind farms based on specific operation strategies for yield, load and grid optimization).
Po Wen Cheng ( - As part of the "LIDAR" project at the University of Stuttgart, measurements of the inflow and wake were carried out with a stationary nacelle lidar device.
Po Wen Cheng ( - Within the scope of the follow-up project "LIDAR II" of the University of Stuttgart, nacelle-based lidar measurements were carried out on the incoming wind field at a turbine in the offshore test field alpha ventus.
Po Wen Cheng ( - The University of Oldenburg carried out long-range multi-lidar measurements as part of the project "GW Wakes" (analysis of shading losses and wake turbulence characteristics of large offshore wind farms by comparing "alpha ventus" and "Riffgat").
Jörge Schneemann ( - The Flensburg University of Applied Sciences gained data measured with accelerometers on the wind turbines and hydrophones at different distances within the scope of the project "Operational noise" (underwater noise input of individual wind turbines as well as of the entire wind farm).
- As part of the "GIGAWIND alpha ventus" project (holistic dimensioning concept for WTG support structures based on measurements in the offshore test field) the water pressure caused by waves on the central tube of a tripod foundation was measured using water pressure sleeves (Leibniz University Hannover).
Tanja Grießmann ( - The Leibniz University Hannover also carried out measurements in the relative displacement of the two connecting tubes of a grouted joint using a specially developed measuring system within the project "GIGAWIND alpha ventus” (holistic dimensioning concept for WTG support structures based on measurements in the offshore test field).
Tanja Grießmann ( - Within the project "GIGAWIND alpha ventus" (holistic dimensioning concept for WTG support structures based on measurements in the offshore test field) and "GIGAWIND life" (lifetime research on the WTG support structures in the test field alpha ventus) concrete test specimens were taken offshore. Photographic documentation is available, as well as the relevant measurement results of the test coupons and rings (Leibniz University Hannover).
Tanja Grießmann ( - The anonymized results of standardized questionnaires of the project "Acceptance" (Acceptance of offshore wind power utilization) of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg are available. Surveys were conducted among residents, tourists and regional experts on the acceptance of offshore wind energy.
Johannes Pohl (; Gundula Hübner ( - Within the project "TUFFO" (detection and evaluation of the influence of turbulent moisture fluxes on turbulence in offshore wind farms) the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology performed fast moisture measurement in parallel to the ultrasonic anemometers on the FINO1 platform.
Richard Foreman ( - "Hydroschall" (Little Bubble Curtain), a research project with measurements on sound reduction by the Leibniz University Hannover. Hydro sound measurements were carried out during pile driving of offshore foundations using a staged bubble curtain.
Tanja Grießmann ( - Maintenance data from life cycle and log files were evaluated as part of the project "preInO" (methods and tools for the proactive maintenance of offshore wind turbines) by BIBA /Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH.
Stephan Oelker ( - Ecology data on benthos, fish, mammals and birds were obtained using click detectors, bird radar and other observation methods as part of the "StukPLUS" project of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). - Furthermore, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) provides a comprehensive sea state database with quality-controlled real-time data and application-oriented sea state statistics under the application SEASTATE. - Fraunhofer IEE (formerly Fraunhofer IWES) collected operational data from many offshore wind farms within the RAVE project ‘Offshore WMEP’. They were integrated into the Windenergy-Information-Data-Pool (WInD-Pool). A short overview of the data and the WInD-Pool is given here. Confidentially requirements due to the sensitive nature of the information prohibit the distribution of the data via the RAVE data base. If you are interested in using these data for research purposes, please contact
Stefan Faulstich ( - Within the framework of the project "UFO" (environmental influences on offshore wind energy plants) of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, various measurements, samples and analyses on the environmental influences on materials at offshore wind energy plants were recorded. The data collection is not yet available.
Uta Kühne ( - Corrosion patches, photos and all relevant measurement results made within the joint research project "ISyMOO" are available in the archive at BSH. For more information please see this publication (only in German available) or contact Andreas Momber .

Wind turbines |
Coordinates (WGS84) |
AV0 |
6°37.3967'E |
54°00.0000'N |
AV1 |
6°35'36.592"E |
54°01'17.976"N |
AV2 |
6°36’'22.836"E |
54°01'18.066"N |
AV3 |
6°37'06.030"E |
54°01'18.050"N |
AV4 |
6°35'37.834"E |
54°00'51.569"N |
AV5 |
6°36'24.220"E |
54°00'51.581"N |
AV6 |
6°37'07.866"E |
54°00'51.570"N |
AV7 |
6°35'38.970"E |
54°00'27.018"N |
AV8 |
6°36'25.596"E |
54°00'27.012"N |
AV9 |
6°37'09.546"E |
54°00'26.994"N |
AV10 |
6°35'40.158"E |
54°00'01.212"N |
AV11 |
6°36'26.970"E |
54°00'01.218"N |
AV12 |
6°37'11.424"E |
54°00'01.224"N |
6°35'15.58"E |
54°00'53.94"N |
6°37.3967'E |
54°00.0000'N |
The FINO1 platform captures and records a wide range of different parameters, among which specifically wind speed and wind direction at heights of between 30 m and 100 m. These data can also be viewed via the database.
Further information on FINO1 can be found here on the FINO1 homepage.
The alpha ventus wind farm is connected to the onshore "Hager Marsch" substation via an offshore platform and a transmission cable. Different electrical parameters are recorded at both substations and made available via the database.
Related data bases
Sea State Portal
The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) provides a comprehensive sea state database with quality-controlled real-time data and application-oriented sea state statistics under the application SEASTATE. For access, please register on the BSH Login.
Data from ORE Catapult
The Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (ORE Catapult) also provides data from offshore wind turbines. Further information can be found on the corresponding website: .