Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2015

October 13 - 15, 2015, Bremerhaven, Germany

Looking back the Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2015 was a great success. Two hundred participants from eleven countries met in Bremerhaven to present and discuss their latest findings and results in offshore wind energy research. The lectures and posters were presented by members of the RAVE initiative as well as by international experts from academia and industry.

The opening session started with a lively panel debate about the role of R&D in reducing the costs and technical risks of offshore wind energy. Including 10 sessions with 50 lectures and about 20 posters the scientific part of the conference provided ample opportunity to get comprehensive information on the current status of science and technology of offshore wind energy and in particular to have technical discussions.

The participants took advantage of the possibility to continue these discussions during the evening event. The unique setting in the Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 ° Ost offered a great opportunity to socialize and network with other participants from research institutes, companies or authorities. The tour through the exhibition "Journey" in the Klimahaus contributed to a pleasant atmosphere for discussions on experiences and new results in the field of offshore wind energy.

The two conference days demonstrated that offshore wind energy research covers many different topics and research areas and that a lot of important results have already been achieved. But the conference also indicated that further research is necessary to reduce costs and risks of offshore wind energy and to increase economical as well as ecological security.


Conference topics 2015

  • Offshore wind turbines & components
  • Foundations & support structures
  • Resource assessment
  • Installation & decommissioning
  • Operation & maintenance Environmental conditions
  • Environmental impact & spatial planning
  • Grid integration & corrosion protection
  • Offshore remote sensing

RAVE 2015 - Program

Day 1 | 13. Oktober 2015

Foyer | 11:00

Opening session

Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter, Institutsleiter Fraunhofer IWES Nordwest


11.00 Welcome
Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter
Ronny Meyer, Staatsrat für Umwelt und Zentrales von Bremen

11:10 Opening speech
Timo Haase, für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

11:25 Offshore Wind - Industrial perspective
Jean Huby, Ocean Breeze

11:40 Results of the German research Initiative RAVE
Prof. Dr. Andreas Reuter, Dr. Bernhard Lange

12:00 Panel debate: The role of R&D in reducing the technical risk of offshore wind
Moderator: Prof. Dr. A. Reuter
Jean Huby, Ocean Breeze
Andrew Jamieson, ORE Catapult
Udo Schneider, Green Giraffe

Conference room 1 | 14:00

Foundation & support structures I

Chairs: Dr. Matthias Baeßler, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany
Prof. Dr. habil. Raimund Rolfes, Leibniz Universität Hannover - ForWind, Germany

Details and presentation slides
1.  Three years of monitoring Belgian offshore wind turbines, lessons learned
Wout Weijtjens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
2.  Advances in modeling the long-term behavior of offshore wind turbine foundations
Theodoros Triantafyllidis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Germany
3.  Set-up effects for axial loaded piles
Jana Gehrmann-Vorbau, DNV GL, Deutschland
4.  Towards improved fatigue crack growth models: overview of the FeLoSeFi project
Sjoerd van der Putten, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands
5.  Comparative study on dynamic response of offshore wind turbine with monopile and spar considering ice-structure interaction
Wei Shi, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures (NTNU/CeSOS), Norway
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Conference room 2 | 14:00

Resource assessment

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Stefan Emeis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Prof. Dr. Joachim Reuder, University of Bergen - NORCOWE, Norway

Details and presentation slides
1.   Detailed validation of dynamic loading simulation of offshore wind turbines operating in wake
Juan José Trujillo, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
2.  Measurements of vertical profiles and turbulent fluxes over the near-coastal north sea boundary-layer during strong winds, using remotely-piloted aircraft
David Tupman, University of Tübingen, Germany
3.  Numerical simulations of wake turbine interactions in alpha ventus
Pascal Weihing, University of Stuttgart, Germany
4.  Standardized assessment of meteorological data from Fino platforms
Tina Leiding, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany
5.  TUFFO – Influence of humidity fluxes on turbulence and static stability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer
Stefan Emeis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT, Germany
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Conference room 1 | 16:00

Offshore wind turbines & components

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Po Wen Cheng, Stuttgart Wind Energy, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Yvan Radovcic, Adwen GmbH, Germany

Details and presentation slides
1.  Evaluation of the extreme and fatigue load measurements at alpha ventus
Ricardo Faerron, University of Stuttgart, Germany
2.  A systematic approach for estimating loads in offshore wind farms
Pedro Lind, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
3.  Impact of rotor solidity on wind turbine fatigue and extreme loads
Romans Kazacoks, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
4.  Long-term experience at alpha ventus – Model and measurement based life time estimation
Yvan Radovcic, Adwen Offshore, Germany
5.  Presentation of a simplified method for the crashworthiness of offshore wind turbine jackets
Timothée Pire, University of Liege, Belgium
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Conference room 2 | 16:00

Installation and decommissioning

Chairs: Dolf Elsevier van Griethuysen, Van Oord, The Netherlands
Dr. Holger Huhn, WindMW, Germany

Details and presentation slides
1.  Assessment of effects of adverse weather conditions on offshore projects
Marcel Wiggert, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
2.  Hydro sound emissions during impact driving of monopiles using Hydro Sound Dampers and Big Bubble Curtain
Philipp Stein, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
3.  Offshore Wind Logistics - New Installation Concepts
Kerstin Lange, Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL Campus), Deutschland
4.  Towards a risk-based decision support for offshore wind turbine installation and operation & maintenance
Tomas Gintautas, University of Aalborg, Denmark
5.  Noise mitigation Systems in Offshore Wind Construction – a country and project specific perspective
Susanne Schorcht, WPD AG, Germany
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End of conference day 1

Social event: Flying buffet and exhibition "The Journey" at Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost

Day 2 | 14. Oktober 2015

Conference room 1 | 8:30

Operation and maintenance

Chairs: Berthold Hahn, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Sabine Weth, EWE Offshore Service & Solutions, Germany

Details and presentation slides
1.  Optimized significant wave height forecasts and their benefit on the prediction of possible working times
Thomas Kanefendt, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
2.  Reliability assessment of monitored jacket support structures of offshore wind turbines
Ronald Schneider, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany
3.  Signal reconstruction. An alternative approach for wind turbine monitoring
Luis Vera-Tudela, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
4.  Methods and tools to enable preacting maintenance measures
Dirk Reinhold, Senvion, Germany
5.  Offshore~WMEP: The cross-company initiative for performance and reliability benchmarking
Stefan Faulstich, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
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Conference room 2 | 8:30

Offshore remote sensing

Chairs: Dr. Julia Gottschall, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany Dr. Thomas Neumann, DEWI, Germany

Details and presentation slides
1.  Potential applications of the Fraunhofer IWES wind lidar buoy, an innovative and flexible wind measuring system
Julia Gottschall, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
2.  Investigation of flow conditions and turbulence characteristics in large offshore wind farms by remote sensing experiments and simulations
Jörge Schneemann, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
3.  Ship-lidar systems for wake measurements
Gerrit Wolken-Möhlmann, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
4.  RAVE-LIDAR II: Stationary and dynamical power curve measurement in inhomogeneous inflow using a nacelle-based lidar
Dr. M. Wächter, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
5.  Four years of nacelle-based lidar measurements in alpha ventus – a review
Ines Würth, University of Stuttgart, Germany
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Foyer | 10:30

Poster Pitching & Poster- / Networking-Session

Chairs: Dr. Bernhard Lange, Fraunhofer IWES
Michael Durstewitz, Fraunhofer IWES


Foundations & support structures

1.  OFD - Offshore Foundation Drilling
Boris Jung, Herrenknecht AG, Germany
2.  Measurement Concept for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Patrik Jübermann, DNV GL, Germany
3.  ISEAWIND - Innovative Structural Engineering Approaches for the design of offshore WIND turbine foundations
Alexandre Mathern, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
4.  Large scale cyclic loading tests at driven steel piles
Matthias Baeßler, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany

Ressource assessment

1.  Comparison of simulations of the far wake of alpha ventus against ship-based lidar measurements
Juan José Trujillo, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
2.  Optimization of the MYJ PBL scheme for wind resource assessment based on comparisons to mast and UAV measurements
Hauke Wurps, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
3.  Characterization of wake turbulence using staring lidar measurements
David Bastine, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
4.  Site suitability assessment with dynamic wake meandering model. A certification point of view
Ricard Tomàs Bayo, DNV GL, Germany
5.  Boundary layer study at FINO1
Benny Svardal, Christian Michelsen Research AS, Norway

Offshore remote sensing

1.  Whirlwind 1, a new compact Doppler wind lidar
Paul Gerke Hofmeister, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
2.  Lidar-based wake tracking for wind farm control at alpha ventus
Steffen Raach, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Operation and maintenance

1.  Supporting business collaboration for operation and maintenance: the digital plant lifecycle record
Johannes Schmidt, University of Leipzig, Germany
2.  Requirements and design of experiments for diagnostics and prognostics of pitch and yaw systems in offshore wind turbines
Surya Teja Kandukuri, University of Agder, Norway

Grid integration und corrosion protection

1.  Evaluation of corrosion resistant coatings derived from microcapsules containing corrosion inhibitors
Astrid Bjørgum, SINTEF, Norway

Environmental impact and spatial planning

1.  Detecting effects on migratory birds: how the application of multistatic radar could help close remaining knowledge gaps
Antonia Dix, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
2.  Multi-sensor monitoring system for determination of bird behavior in marine wind farms
Henrik Skov, DHI, Denmark
3.  Biocorrosion – Presentation of a new test system to identify microbial influenced corrosion (MIC) in an early stage
Tim Heusinger von Waldegge, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
4.  Migropath – Assessing the impacts of offshore wind farms on migratory birds
Laura Jervis, APEM Ltd., United Kingdom

Environmental conditions

1.  Britta storm in the North Sea and damage to the fino1 platform, Nov. 1, 2006
Anthony Kettle, University of Bergen, Norway
Conference room 1 | 13:30

Grid Integration & corrosion protection

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn, ForWind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. John Olav Tande, SINTEF, Norway

Details and presentation slides
1.  State-of-the-art offshore power system in the German bight and technical mid-term expansion options
Tobias Hennig, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
2.  2nd generation DC grid access for offshore wind farms
Peter Menke, Siemens, Germany
3.  Nanotechnology for upgrading erosion protective coatings
Astrid Bjørgum, SINTEF, Norway
4.  DNV GL standard harmonization – Recommended practice on corrosion protection of offshore wind farms
Lars Lichtenstein, DNV GL, Germany
5.  Development of an optical in-situ measurement system to detect salt sediments inside offshore wind turbines by means of digital speckle correlation
Thole Horstmann, Hochschule Bremerhaven, Germany
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Conference room 2 | 13:30

Environmental impact and spatial planning

Chairs: Kristin Blasche, DONG Energy Wind Power, Germany
Bonnie Ram, DTU, Denmark

Details and presentation slides
1.  Strategies for sustainable development of offshore wind energy: A review of 10 years of research on offshore wind farms in Germany
Jens Lüdeke, University of Berlin, Germany
2.  Displacement of seabirds by the offshore wind farm 'alpha ventus' in the German North Sea
Jorg Welcker, BioConsult SH, Germany
3.  Information from GPS-tagged birds helps predict accurately collision risk of birds
Laura Jervis, APEM Ltd., United Kingdom
4.  Mitigation of piling noise during construction of offshore windfarms – special focus OWP DanTysk and Sandbank
Eva Philipp, Vattenfall Europe Windkraft, Germany
5.  Real-time monitoring of harbour porpoise activity around construction sites with the wireless detection system (WDS)
Georg Nehls, BioConsult SH, Germany
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Conference room 1 | 15:30

Foundations & support structures II

Chairs: Jana Gehrmann-Vorbau, DNV GL, Germany
Prof. Dr. Raimund Rolfes, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Deutschland

Details and presentation slides
1.  Comparing a jacket substructure with suction bucket foundation to a pile foundation in terms of modal parameters and stress distribution due to static and transient loads
Andreas Ehrmann, University of Hannover, Germany
2.  Installation and bearing behavior of suction bucket foundations for offshore wind energy converters
Klaus Thieken, University of Hannover, Germany
3.  Development of a TLP substructure for a 6MW wind turbine on basis of the development of a 2MW substructure
Frank Adam, WPC - Wind Power Construction GmbH, Germany
4.  Pile-driving analyses of monopiles with pre-installed flanges
Tim Oliver Janele, DNV GL, Germany
5.  Vibration-based structural health monitoring for tower and foundation of offshore wind turbines
Peter Kraemer, Wölfel Beratende Ingenieure, Germany
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Conference room 2 | 15:30

Environmental conditions

Chairs: Graham Howe, AXYS Technologies Inc., Canada Dr. Manfred Zeiler, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

Details and presentation slides
1.  Influence of a monopile structure on multidirectional wave forces and scour development in combination with tidal current conditions
Frederik Stoll, Franzius Institut, University of Hannover, Germany
2.  Comparison of dual-Doppler lidar measurements and Large Eddy Simulations of an offshore wind turbine wake
Lukas Vollmer, Forwind - University of Oldenburg, Germany
3.  Geotechnical CPT and Dynamic pile measurements in Altenwalde
Jan Hebig, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
4.  Current and hydrographic measurements in offshore wind farm "alpha ventus"
Dennis Kühnel, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency BSH, Germany
5.  The impact of wind energy turbine piles on ocean dynamics
Sebastian Grashorn, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research, Germany
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Closing session

Dr. Bernhard Lange, Fraunhofer IWES

Impressionen 2015