AD 5-116 Improvement

Development, construction and testing of the AD 5-116 wind turbine under offshore conditions in the German offshore test field alpha ventus

Project leader:
Adwen GmbH

Duration of the project:
03/2007 – 06/2013

Contract number of the project:

The offshore test field alpha ventus is a show case of the German wind industry and the reliability of the technology installed. The research in the test field enables the manufacturers to enhance new technology and answers open research questions.

For the first time six machines of the type AD 5-116 will be installed in the North Sea in the German offshore test field alpha ventus in 2008. The AD 5-116 is a 5 MW wind turbine, which was designed especially for the hard offshore conditions.

The wind turbines are based on so called tripod foundations. Up to now there were two AD 5-116 turbines erected onshore in Bremerhaven. Two more will follow in the first quarter of 2008 in Bremerhaven as well. The two up to now installed AD 5-116 showed brilliant results. The availability as well as the performance exceeded all expectations.

To verify the offshore capability of the AD 5-116 under real conditions and to enhance the turbine, a research project with several topics is carried out within the framework of test field research.

This research project relates to (1) blade connection, (2) appliances for installation of the turbine, (3) converter and transformers, (4) cooling system, (5) several concepts of erection and start of operation (implementing), maintenance, (6) data exchange interface and (7) strong wind cut-off. In the framework of the test field project there are new developments for the above mentioned topics tested under offshore conditions.



Dr. Annette Hofmann
Adwen GmbH
Am Lunedeich 156
27572 Bremerhaven

Final report

You can find the final report (only available in German) here.